You know. Or at least I hope you do. Those moments where you just know. I mean, YOU KNOW that a particular moment, when something so profound has happened, that can literally only be the work of God.
I have been blessed with many God Moments. And it's kind of amazing because as has my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. It's actually one of my favorite pastimes, to share with them my God Moments and to hear their's. Just to witness the Holy Spirit working so strategically within our lives —it brings goose bumps to my arms and lights a fire within me.
A lot of the time our God Moments will come to us in the form of very specific Bible verses, Bible details, or Bible characters that seem to pop up within our lives just too many times to call a coincidence. But God Moments can come to us in other forms as well.
I cherish my God Moments because I've come to acknowledge them as His voice in my life.
If you know me personally, you probably know my marriage has been through its ups and downs. Marriage is hard, y'all. And although "doubt" is not the word I want to use, I had reached a point where I wasn't sure if maybe I was just kidding myself? Maybe we were trying to make a marriage work that wasn't ever meant to? We've gone through SO much within our time together that maybe we were forcing ourselves to stay in this marriage even if it wasn't really God's Will for us. I mean, I felt like my prayers were being answered: we were still here, together, in this thing, with love for one another —BUT WHAT IF it wasn't from God? Maybe I was just fooling myself into thinking God's keeping my marriage together and seeing us through these stormy seasons of our life, but in reality, maybe what He really wants is for us to separate —hence all the stormy seasons? Perhaps why the hits seem to just keep on comin'?
As I laid in bed at night questioning my marriage and questioning every single obstacle and bump in the road that we had ever encountered, that all too familiar verse came to mind, "Lean not unto your own understanding." So I finally quieted my mind and I gave it all up to God and prayed. I asked for His Will to be made known. I asked if I was just being foolish, holding onto hope for my marriage, onto this belief my husband and I shared that God had brought us into each other's lives —He literally relocated my husband 1,000 miles from Nebraska, just to dance into little ole me in Texas. And the belief that God has continued working for and within our union. I asked Him if I was misinterpreting worldly coincidences as answered prayers. I also asked Him if I was praying and asking for too much and if my prayers were actually being heard. Then I went to bed.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
The next afternoon I felt drawn to spend some time within the pages of my Bible. Shamefully, it had been about 2 weeks since I last opened my physical Bible. I didn't even know where to begin, but I had settled on picking up where Colton and I had left off on our last Bible study together —we'd started going through the book of Matthew. His bible is different in translation and size from mine, so 2 weeks earlier we had concluded our night's study following Chapter 6 as that was the last chapter on his bible's page. So that afternoon I had resumed reading in Chapter 7. When I had reached verses 7 through 12, I was overcome with emotion. What an incredible God Moment! There it was, plain as day, clear as glass: His Voice. His answer to my prayers found within His word.
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:7-12
We are told to read and to know and to understand His word. I truly feel that the more we read our bibles, the more we pray, the more we seek, the more we see and hear the Holy Spirit at work within our lives.
Can you think of a time you have or might've experienced a God Moment?
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for always working for our good. Help us to seek you more in our daily lives. This world keeps us busy, but encourage us to make the time to read your word, spend time talking to you, and forever chasing after you and your goodness Lord. Please make your Will be known to us and let us know how we can use our specific talents or relationships or situations to glorify you.
In your glorious name we pray,
I’ve always said it but you are so gifted in so many areas of life. We all continue learning what our relationships need, even 31 years later I don’t have all the answers. It is definitely leaning on Gods grace that gets us through the ups and downs of life and marriage. Keep writing and inspiring!!